Cost Saving

Save 50% of the cost of category C galantamine XL prescriptions by prescribing Gatalin XL.2**

By prescribing Gatalin XL by brand, the average savings for an ICS/ICB could still be £24,102 per year providing the NHS with a total annual prescribing cost saving of £1 million per year.1*

Gatalin XL is part of the cost-saving prolonged-release product range from Aspire Pharma.

  • 50% saving on cost of Category C Drug Tariff price;2**
  • Sucrose free3
  • Price and Supply Guarantee***
  • Available from all mainline wholesalers;
  • Bioequivalent to the originator.4
ProductCategory C UK Drug Tariff price2Gatalin XL price
Galantamine prolonged-release capsules 8 mg x 28£51.88£25.94
Galantamine prolonged-release capsules 16 mg x 28£64.90£32.45
Galantamine prolonged-release capsules 24 mg x 28£79.80£39.90
*Savings based on market data in reference 1. For 42 ICS/ICB’s switching their generic and originator brand 8mg, 16mg and 25mg galantamine prolonged-release capsule prescriptions to Gatalin XL. **Based on 50% saving on the cost of Category C galantamine prolonged-release capsules in the UK Drug Tariff.  ***No change in price subject to no material change to the products or Category C of the UK Drug Tariff until the 2026 VPAG review.
References: 1) Insypher 10100831045 v 17.0 January 2024 GPPLPD Date Range: Jul-23 – Sep-23 2) February 2024 UK Drug Tariff. 3) Gatalin XL SmPCs. 4) Data on file. 1010067149 v 6.0 September 2023.
For further information please call: 01730 231148,
email: [email protected] or visit
Adverse events should be reported. Reporting forms and information can be found at:

Adverse events should also be reported to Aspire Pharma Ltd on 01730 231148.

For more information about Gatalin XL, please see the abbreviated prescribing information.

Revision reference – Gatalin XL_28_20.02.2024

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